eyes like flashlights.

inspiration surrounds you, open your eyes...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Revelations From A Rooftop

Sometimes it takes new eyes to see something for the first time. Consistency is what slowly, numbs the spirit and desensitizes the mind. Desensitizes the mind from its intimate relationship with the luxury of imagination, thought…and revelation. Seeing new things can resuscitate the heart, and awaken the soul to needs native to our nature. My physical and literal incapacity to explore renders me searching the earth with new eyes, or in this case through someone else’s eyes.

Above a place I am often in, where I spend most of my beloved moments in solitude and in coveted company. It took a singular roommate applicant to elevate my perspective, and open my eyes to what has always been there. A place so close, and at the same time so impossibly far.

As I toured the applicant through our quaint Queens apartment, I found her enamored by the subtle details about the rooms that I cherish so dearly. As her eyes drew slowly up the stairs to the attic room; she asked “who lives up there?”…

“That’s my room”

We crawled up the stairs to my room in the attic, and continued our conversation about the apartment rules, among other things. Halfway through the conversation I followed her eyes as again they wandered, up towards my attic window. Even with a lifetime of preparation, I could not have anticipated the question that followed. She asked a most novel question, and thus my heart opened wide and I was born anew in its wake.

“Have you ever gone on the roof?”

And to my absolute and utter dismay, I had not, despite my hypnotic fascination by rooftops. How could it be that an otherwise complete stranger can read the unwritten thoughts hidden deep within my consciousness? I had met her for the first time, and she had managed to drill right through to the core of me. A formidable challenge to most who attempt, but she succeeded with the ease and elegance of a ballet dancer, twirling a whirlwind of possibilities straight to my soul.

I was awestruck, that before me was a girl, unafraid of the consequence of her remark. She so boldly asked a peculiar question that exposed not only my clandestine fantasy, but revealed the same rare quality about her as well. A quality we shared, altitudes above the humble roof overhead. A revelation that was oh so much more about our desire to see, than to be seen.

There is indeed much to see from the rooftops of New York than the expansive ocean of stars above you. For just below, is a sprawling reflection of the sky, in the endless collection of ‘stars’ just below. ‘Stars’, so akin to those above, if only we were to look. A paradigm of creation so beautiful, contemporary parables displayed clearly for anyone to see.

But only visible from a rooftop…my eyes are open, are yours?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked this one a lot. The way you used imagery made me feel like if I was actually there.

Thu Mar 30, 01:03:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome. I can totally imagine you saying this in real life, "..but she succeded with the ease of a ballet dancer, twirling a whirlwind of possiblities straight to my soul.." wonderful ..!

Fri Mar 31, 10:33:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah saima, she actually uses that phrase casually in conversations. she's weird like that.

Sat Apr 01, 01:27:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that quote actually reminded me of a conversation we were having in the living room biny, and you said something *VERY* similar, describing something else tho..but i cant put my finger on what it was..tho i can imagine you saying it and emphasizing.."twirling a whirlwind" and "straight to my soul"

Wed Apr 05, 11:40:00 PM 2006  
Blogger biNy said...

i cannot recall this conversation saima...i think i was talking about food... i am amused by how you highlighted the word "very" with asterisks, and capital letters.

Thu Apr 06, 04:10:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blog biny. man i wish i could write like that.

Wed Apr 12, 10:59:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you wish you could write.. period.

Sun Apr 16, 03:04:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you climb up to my roof, all you'll find is all the handballs and tennis balls my brothers, cousins and I have lost. They're just symbols of countless "homeruns" we've hit throughout the years.
Love the way you write by the way.

Sun Apr 16, 03:24:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel so honor--i mean, i'm sure the subject of your inspiration feels quite honored after reading this fine piece of literary artistry (c: i never knew the "view" of crappy queens could so deeply pique the curiosity of a woman of taste :-\ it's okay, i'll still manage to get a 10-ft. ladder somehow. KEEP WRITING, DAMN YOU!

Mon May 01, 11:47:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol siara is so funny.

Tue May 23, 07:51:00 PM 2006  

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